Remote workers can often be ‘out of sight, out of mind’, feel isolated and even end up working more hours to ‘overcompensate’ for being allowed to work from home, causing more a of a blur between their home and working life.
In light of recent world events meaning that there has been an unprecedented shift from people being office-based to working from home, this will undoubtedly present a number of challenges for productivity, performance and wellbeing as we adapt to a new normal and different ways of working. That’s why now more than ever, it is important to ensure your remote workers are equipped to working from home and have the skills, tools and confidence they need to work effectively.
This workshop aims to:
- Equips participants with the skills and techniques to maximise wellbeing and the home working experience for remote workers
- Promote signposting to relevant support resources
- Provide advice for remote working and how to manage effectively remotely