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The latest news and opinion pieces from International Wellbeing Insights


The latest news and opinion pieces from International Wellbeing Insights


People, Culture, Wellness

How is Your Business Performing? Get Your Free Team Performance Scorecard!

Over the past year, many organisations have been forced to completely reevaluate how they do things in an attempt to adapt to the abnormal world we find ourselves in. COVID-19 has had a devastating impact on many businesses and left employees with a feeling of disconnection and detachment. The social, economic, and financial implications are squeezing resour

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People, Culture, Wellness

Stress Awareness Month April 2021

Stress Awareness Month is Underway   Considering the stress, anxiety and uncertainty caused by 2020, Stress Awareness Month 2021 is arguably the most important one since its inception over 20 years ago.   The events over the last year have thrown our lives into disarray with furlough, remote working, homeschooling, limited contact, restrictions on tra

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People, Culture, Wellness, Environment

A Study on the Impact of Stress and Mental Health as a Result of the Pandemic

About the Study The restrictions put in place to tackle COVID-19 have had a significant impact on our daily lives. The way we live, work, communicate and interact has changed dramatically. This has been challenging and difficult for many as we come to terms with limited physical interactions, restrictions on gatherings and new working practices. As lockdown

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People, Culture, Wellness, Environment

Time to Talk Day 2021

COVID-19 has brought this nation to its knees. Whether it’s from the impact of the virus itself or the implications of the everchanging restrictions, the fallout has caused damaging consequences felt in every aspect of our society. We’ve watched as the nation’s physical health has deteriorated due to both Covid and non – Covid related illnesses. Ment

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People, Culture, Wellness, News

Changes to the 1983 Mental Health Act

The world has changed significantly since 1983. Our way of life would be barely recognisable to someone from that era. The impact that technology has had on our daily lives, the way we engage and communicate with one another, the kind of jobs we do, and even the fundamental way we approach community and society is radically different. Even though this is the

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People, Culture, Wellness, Environment

Remote Teambuilding – Take your employees on a mission to Mars this Christmas!

Mission to Mars – it’s been a tough year for us all, we think you’re ready for a getaway! This whirlwind of a year has provided a range of stumbling blocks including social distancing, new restrictions and even total lockdowns. Many of us have had to leave the social office environment behind and create a new workspace from the comfort of o

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People, Wellness, News

Managing and Working Remotely During COVID-19 and The Preparation To Return To The Workplace

The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically changed the way we live and work. The current restrictions have resulted in a massive increase in the number of office-based employees working from home. Many of us have had to adapt to a ‘new normal’ and radically different ways of working and communicating. Now more than ever, it is important to ensure tha

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People, Wellness, News

Coping at Home and Keeping Connected During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Coping at Home and Keeping Connected During the COVID-19 Pandemic Change and uncertainty can be a scary time for everyone – and it can be an extremely difficult time to adapt to the change of the current pandemic we are experiencing. At the same time, it is imperative to deal with the emotions you are feeling, build resilience and ensure your health and we

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People, Wellness, News

Promoting Diversity, Inclusivity and Equality: Our Response

The Urgent Need to Eradicate Inequality, Injustice and Inequity: A Message From Our Chief De-Stressing Officer  “No-one is born hating another person because of the colour of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart t

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People, Wellness, News

Covid-19: Our Response

  The uncertainty and rapidly changing situation of the COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly created a lot of fear and panic – and I am sure at some point you have also experienced this. During this highly stressful, challenging and uncertain time, I wanted to get in touch to explain how we are working and how we can still support you in maximising wellb

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Managing Information in the Digital Workplace

Written by Lena Durbec, Workplace Innovation and Wellbeing at Work consultant. A longer version of this article can be found on her website We are living in an age when there has never been as much information coming at us from all angles, day and night. Many people now can’t find a way to escape from this digital overload, and their inabil

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Are managers driving your staff away?

“People leave managers not companies” Mike Smith, Managing Director at Ripley Training, claimed that “poor management is the number one cause behind staff leaving”. His view was that whilst companies invest large amounts of time and money in developing job skills, their leadership and management skills are often over looked, leading to higher leve

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A New Approach to Assessing the Causes of Stress Within your Organisation Icon

A New Approach to Assessing the Causes of Stress Within your Organisation

Find out more about how you ascertain your wellbeing starting point and the process of conducting a wellbeing audit.

A New Approach to Assessing the Causes of Stress Within your Organisation Download Icon View Resource
Creating an Effective Wellbeing Tender Icon

Creating an Effective Wellbeing Tender

A free guide to creating an effective wellbeing tender that will ensure you are clear about the objectives and aims of the project and how you will measure Return on Investment.

Creating an Effective Wellbeing Tender Download Icon View Resource
A Guide to Communication and Stress Icon

A Guide to Communication and Stress

A guide for employers and employees alike on how to communicate when stressed or dealing with someone who is stressed.

A Guide to Communication and Stress Download Icon View Resource