Our brand new online programme is a series of workshops focusing on adapting to living and working in a radically different world. It comprises of 7 different modules. Some of the key topics we cover include:
- Panic: Appreciating this Human Emotion and the Impact of Social Media and Our Lifestyles
- How to Overcome Anxiety
- Dealing with Uncertainty and Cabin Fever
- What if…? Addressing Catastrophic Thinking
- Overcoming Clouded Judgement
- Addressing Loneliness and Isolation
- Adapting to an Abnormal World
Each session is interactive and participative, ending on a call to action with participants being encouraged to set S.M.A.R.T.O goals and take ownership.
This can be run online as a series of course modules or as a full-day live workshop.
- Panic: Appreciating this Human Emotion and the impact of Social Media and our lifestyles
The rapidly changing world we live in due to current events has created fear and panic for many. The key focus of this module is to gauge participants understanding of the feeling of panic, exploring when it serves a useful purpose and when it does not. This module also explores the role of social media and daily rituals.
- How to Overcome Anxiety
With the significant changes to the way we live and work, there is no doubt that many of us will be feeling anxious. This module will explore what we mean by anxiety and coping strategies to help manage this.
- Dealing with Uncertainty and Cabin Fever
We are currently find ourselves in uncertain and unprecedented times. This module focuses on equipping participants with the importance of minimising the negative effects of uncertainty and exploring ways to maintain a healthy mind during isolation, restricted movement and an upset routine.
- What if…? Addressing Catastrophic Thinking
Catastrophic thinking is a fear-based reaction that relates to the future: when you find yourself caught entering the worst-case scenarios. This module focuses on when catastrophic thinking is likely to occur, the negatives it can bring and ways to reduce thinking ‘what if…?’.
- Overcoming Clouded Judgement
Our emotions can easily cloud our judgement and even more so during the highly emotive and challenging time we are currently all experiencing. This module has a key focus on understanding how me can avoid our emotions clouding our judgement to allow us to make better decisions, problem solve, think creatively and laterally.
- Addressing Loneliness and Isolation
Changes to the way we engage socially and interact with others can lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation. This will have a huge impact on our wellbeing and for many of us this can be a very challenging time.
This module focuses on:
- Understanding the difference between being Lonely and being Alone
- Creating discussion around the importance of staying connected
- Acknowledging your support network
- Promoting signposting to relevant support resources
- Forming actions and taking ownership to ensure you are staying connected to your friends, family, colleagues and loved ones
- Adapting to an Abnormal World
This is the final module that forms part of our Adapting to the ‘Post-Normal World’ Programme. This module focuses on how we can best cope with adapting to a new ‘Normal’ way of living and working. Resistance to change creates stress and anxiety, so to understand the stages of ‘Grief’ we go through as we mourn the old way of ‘Being’ allows us to pass through the stages more easily and comfortably as we prepare to adapt and change to a new ‘Normal’.
This module aims to:
- Explore what adapting to a Post-Normal world feels like and equipping ourselves for the ‘new normal’
- Equip participants with the tools and techniques to cope with returning back to work/or to the workplace
- Signpost and support employees to the relevant support resources available to them
- Encourage participants to form actions and take ownership for how to manage adapting to new routines, and new ways of being
To discuss our brand new programme, please get in touch using the form below.