International Wellbeing Insights
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Individual Stress Risk Assessments

Individual Stress Risk Assessments

Our Individual Stress Risk Assessment (ISRA) is a one- to-one discussion with an individual to address their perception of their work related and personal stressors.

Our experience and positioning as an independent expert allows us to emotionally support the individual throughout the assessment whilst retrieving the information in a professional and impartial manner. This is particularly helpful where the communication between the employee
and their employer has become strained.

Topics covered in the discussion are based on the HSE’s Stress Management Standards – Role, Control, Demand, Support (both peer support and manager support), Relationships and Change. We will also explore viable solutions based on the individual’s specific needs.

Why conduct an ISRA?

  • As part of a proactive measure when showing early signs of stress to prevent long term stress-related illness or mental illness
  • A useful structure as part of a return to work policy to help with the employee’s specific needs to reintegrate them
  • An independent expert for situations where communication has become strained between employee and employer
  • Be clear of the best way to support the individual based on the findings
  • Understand an individual employees perception of their stress-related challenges
  • Be more empathetic to the individuals needs

Outcomes from the ISRA

A report will be produced and provided to the employer collating the findings, agreements from the employee and our recommendations.

Book a free consultation today to find out more

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