International Wellbeing Insights
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Half of workers do nothing to relieve work stress

Half of workers do nothing to relieve work stress

We found a survey of 1,015 UK adults in employment carried out by learning marketplace, which we found a really interesting read, as it revealed that 48 per cent of British workers do little or nothing at all to relieve work stress outside of work. Ironically one of the main reasons cited for this (by over 65% of those surveyed) was due to not having enough time.

Workers in the professional services (e.g. accounting, law) industry struggled the most to do anything to relieve stress, with 58% saying they do not do anything, followed by those in education (55%) and healthcare (53%).

With the average UK employee working a 40.2-hour week, not having time to de-stress could be damaging the nation’s workforce. According to the survey 1 in 5 do not pursue post-work stress relieving activities due to money and only 19% of UK workers say their employer provides healthy ways to de-stress as part of their ‘perks’ package.

79% would welcome stress-busting activities in the office

With so little being put on offer by employers it is no wonder that a massive 79% of those surveyed said that they would welcome more stress-busting activities.

And it is in the employer’s interest to ensure that employees actually do take measures to manage their stress levels. As well as reducing stress, this can positively impact on an employee’s focus, concentration and efficiency in the workplace.

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A New Approach to Assessing the Causes of Stress Within your Organisation

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Creating an Effective Wellbeing Tender

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A Guide to Communication and Stress

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