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Day 2 of your International Stress Awareness Week Resilience Programme

Day 2 of your International Stress Awareness Week Resilience Programme

The theme of International Stress Awareness Week 2019 is ‘Resilience’ and we have put together our top tips to increasing personal resilience, derived from our flagship ‘Excelling under Pressure: Mastering Personal Resilience’ Workshop

Day 2: Find the Sense of Purpose in Your Life

In 2003, following a traumatic personal situation that lead to a breakdown and an attempt to end of my own life, I found myself in the deepest, darkest emotional valley I had ever experienced. Following a quest to the Himalaya’s, and a period of self-reflection and introspection, I had a spiritual epiphany. It all became clear; my life challenges were a gift that allowed me to discover my Ikigaimy very reason for being.

In the face of crisis or tragedy, finding a sense of purpose can play an important role in your recovery. This might mean becoming involved in your community, cultivating your spirituality, or participating in activities that are meaningful to you. Want to discover your Ikigai? Take our Ikigai test now!

When you believe in something greater than yourself and you have a strong purpose, a very powerful reason for being, it massively increases your resilience. We are social creatures and when we have strong spiritual belief it can give us the capacity to take on board and deal with much more than if we rely on our own resources. This is no way refers to religion – spirituality and religion can operate completely independently of each other.

If you look up spirituality in the dictionary it quite literally means:

  • having a relationship with something based on a profound level of mental or emotional communion
  • beliefs beyond that of material values and pursuits

Over the last 15 years we have seen the rise on dominance of the ‘purpose led businesses’; organisations that stand for more than just the products or services they sell. They understand this concept. So whether as an individual, a team or an entire organisation it’s important to foster a strong purpose and reason for being to be able to thrive in a world that is doing it’s best to grab your attention to focus you on superficial, material matters, and in turn keep you distracted.

If you would like to explore how you can develop a powerful purpose led brand and in turn a highly engaged and resilient workforce please get in touch now to arrange a no-obligation consultation with one of our amazing team!

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