The uncertainty and rapidly changing situation of the COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly created a lot of fear and panic – and I am sure at some point you have also experienced this. During this highly stressful, challenging and uncertain time, I wanted to get in touch to explain how we are working and how we can still support you in maximising wellbeing more than ever through the COVID-19 outbreak.
Anyone that works with us knows that my team always finds a way!
I would like to take this opportunity to reassure you that we have processes and plans that ensure we continue our business operations, to support you and deliver your projects and programmes – we have the technology! It will be business as usual from our end, as long as we are able to, we are here to help and support you at this challenging time as the COVID-19 situation continues to develop.
As you may well be aware our primary mission statement is ‘Since our inception in 2003, our dream has been to create a happier, healthier more resilient world’. That statement has never been more poignant and relevant as it is now. The health and well-being of our team, colleagues, partners, suppliers and customers has always been of the utmost importance – this is even more important to us in light of the current crisis.
Here are some of the measures we are implementing:
1. To date, one team member has displayed symptoms and in line with the guidance will be isolating at home for 14 days. This is the same process we will all be following if we, (including trainers), or our families display symptoms such as a high temperature, cough or a sore throat.
2. Things will remain as they are, providing we do not experience large scale illness and absenteeism.
3. In line with the Government’s advice, we have now also started to work from home and being cloud based means we are fully equipped to so, ensuring there is no disruption to service. All documents, session plans, data and designs are available to us wherever we are, whenever we need them – you wouldn’t even know we weren’t in the office!
4. Our telephone network has an app that we install on our mobiles. Many of you would have called our office phones in the past and we may have picked up in a different part of the world – if you call the office and we’re not there, our mobiles will ring like we are! As per our standard practice, there will be no dropped calls or missed messages.
5. We have our own video conferencing platform, 3CX, that can host up to 300 people at a time. We have found this extremely effective and does not suffer the same data lag that we have noticed on Skype, Zoom, Google Hangouts etc. We can share, edit and draw on documents in real time and even record the entire call (with consent) to capture any notes or ideas for the project.
6. Sadly, the current crisis has impacted our ability to deliver face to face workshops, however, we want to ensure that you feel supported during this crisis. As an alternative, we have hosted many interactive online workshops and seminars and can make this happen for you and your colleagues which is imperative to make sure we are able to continue to support your wellbeing at this crucial time. Our commitment to promoting wellbeing is as important as ever.
7. We’re quite a healthy bunch anyway, but we have ensured that we are keeping ourselves fit and well with exercise, fresh food, vitamins and mineral supplements.
8. We are here to support you at this difficult, challenging and uncertain time in any way that we can. We offer a range of solutions including one-to-one counselling and support. If you do not have any support resources in place currently, please do get in touch and we can help with this.
9. Our offices are cleaned on a regular basis, we have reinforced good practice with a particular focus on personal responsibility and keeping communal areas deep cleaned regularly
10. We all follow vigorous hand washing protocols anyway, but alcohol hand gel has been available to team members and visitors for some time.
Over the coming weeks we will be providing a series of guidance papers, videos, webinars and other resources to support you and your colleagues at this critical time, and ensuring we are working together to maximise your wellbeing.
Wishing you the all the best – stay happy and healthy, look after yourselves and each other – andclick here to get in touch should you need any support.
Love life and smile,
Neil Shah and the entire team at The Stress Management Society and International Wellbeing Insights
Find out more about how you ascertain your wellbeing starting point and the process of conducting a wellbeing audit.
A free guide to creating an effective wellbeing tender that will ensure you are clear about the objectives and aims of the project and how you will measure Return on Investment.
A guide for employers and employees alike on how to communicate when stressed or dealing with someone who is stressed.